Typical Cleaning Mistakes You Should Avoid
Typical Cleaning Mistakes You Should Avoid

Although nobody's favorite activity, house cleaning is an essential activity of every healthy household. Its main task is to make our living spaces healthier and more enjoyable. Keeping your home tidy and fresh ensures that the air you and your loved ones breathe is free of irritants and allergens. It also provides a contaminant-free environment where you can feel at ease and enjoy spending time in the full comfort of your home.

However, even though housekeeping seems pretty straightforward, people often make mistakes that can be counterproductive, make their job harder, or even cause long-term damage to their property. This is why it’s always advisable to outsource your recurring residential cleaning services to a specialist cleaning company in McFarland, WI.

What not to do when cleaning a house?

If you avoid these common mistakes, you’ll ensure a more effective cleaning routine that requires less hassle and achieves better results. Take a look at what shouldn’t be a part of a proper house cleaning routine.

Overusing cleaning products

It’s important to remember that more isn’t always better when it comes to chemicals. Using excessive amounts can damage your furniture or flooring and leave residues that can attract dirt. Always read the label and use the recommended amount.

Cleaning MistakesUsing the wrong cleaning agent

You can’t clean the entire home using one cleaning agent. Each surface has its specific requirements. Using an abrasive cleaner on a delicate surface can cause scratches or irreparable damage. Always do a bit of research before you start using cleaning agents to ensure the longevity of your belongings.

Forgetting to dust before vacuuming

While it seems logical, many people forget to dust before turning on the vacuum cleaner. Dusting after you vacuum means that you’re just pushing dirt and dust around. Dust first, then vacuum to pick up any particles that have fallen to the floor.

Ignoring cleaning tools maintenance

Don’t forget to clean your cleaning tools too! Dirty mops or vacuum cleaners can spread more dirt than they pick up. The last step of every housekeeping routine should be to clean the equipment and keep it ready for the next session.

Scrubbing carpet stains

Be careful because scrubbing can push the stain deeper into the carpet fibers. Instead, you should blot stains with a cleaning solution, working from the outside of the stain inward. Or, better still, call on professionals who specialize in this type of service.

Forgetting the little things

Light switches, door handles, remote controls – people usually skip over these frequently touched items. It’s a mistake because these are typical hotspots for germs. Regularly wiping them down will drastically reduce the spread of germs in your home.

Not allowing cleaning products to sit

Many cleaning products need time to effectively break down dirt and grime. Instead of wiping away immediately, let the product sit for a few minutes (or as recommended on the label) before scrubbing or wiping away.

Using vinegar or lemon on marble or granite

While these natural cleaners are considered safe to tackle most surfaces in your home, they are acidic and can etch or damage stone surfaces. Always use a cleaner specifically formulated for stone to ensure proper care which won’t endanger their beauty and integrity.

Overloading the dishwasher

Overstuffing can result in dishes not being cleaned properly, especially after greasy meals. It can also be a strain on the dishwasher and reduce its effectiveness and lifespan.

Skipping the directions

Every cleaning product comes with a detailed instruction for a reason. Not reading and following directions can result in ineffective cleaning or even worse, potential damage. Take that extra minute to glance over instructions and you can save hours of potential damage control.

Not cleaning from top to bottom

When dusting or cleaning, it’s important to start from the top of a room and work your way down. This way, you’ll ensure that any dust or debris that falls on the floor is caught in the final cleaning steps.

Spraying furniture directly

Spraying cleaning products directly onto furniture can lead to over-saturation and potential damage. Instead, spray the product onto a cloth and then wipe. This method will ensure an even distribution and reduce the risk of leaving spots or marks.

Not changing cleaning cloths regularly

Using the same cloth throughout the house can spread dirt and germs from one area to another. Prepare multiple cloths and change them as you move from one task to the next.

Skipping protective gear

While it might seem like overkill for certain tasks, protective gloves or masks will act as a protective barrier between your skin and lungs and harsh cleaning chemicals. Don’t endanger your health and safety, they should always remain a priority!

Where can I find the leading cleaning company in McFarland, WI, and the surrounding areas? What not to do when cleaning a house

As a company that prides itself on its hard-working ethics, accomplished workforce, and time-tried equipment and methods, we have all the ingredients to deliver housekeeping excellence on a regular basis.

Our customer support will gladly come to your aid and offer you useful tips on how to prepare for a cleaning service visit, guide you in establishing an appropriate house cleaning schedule, and provide advice on which cleaning products you should keep in handy.

Take the opportunity to spend a fun day picnicking with your family and friends at Capital Springs State Recreation Area while our specialists go above and beyond to sanitize your home! Give us a chance to dazzle you, call us today!

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